Our Team
The ROCKAWAY COMMUNITY JUSTICE CENTER will be administered by community leaders including heads of churches and houses of worship, members of community-based organizations, business leaders, and other community residents. QUEENS DEFENDERS will offer training and guidance to the community members administering the court, and we will conduct ongoing professional development to ensure we are compliant with best practices and the evolving criminal justice reforms that are rolling out in New York State.
Queens Defenders Announces Borough’s First Community Justice Center
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and city-wide closures, the grand opening of the long-awaited Rockaway Community Justice Center looked quite different than planned. Supporters tuned in virtually, partners socially distanced, and staff applauded from home. After eight years
Queens Defenders Announces Borough’s First Community Justice Center
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and city-wide closures, the grand opening of the long-awaited Rockaway Community Justice Center looked quite different than planned. Supporters tuned in virtually, partners socially distanced, and staff applauded from home. After eight years